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We advise reading the information below before you start your application so that you can be fully prepared for what the application will entail. 

Application Materials to Gather:
All applicants should be prepared to submit the materials below:

  • A brief introduction video (This does not have to be "professional" quality and can be filmed at home using your computer or mobile phone)
  • A personal essay statement
  • A photo of you
  •  A transcript/current report card - you will need this to show the classes you have taken and demonstrate that you have maintained a 3.0 GPA 
  • Two work samples in your area of focus (see below for details):
    • PERFORMERS: submit two short contrasting monologues or songs showing your range as a performer. Ideally, you will tape something special for your application using your smartphone, camera, or a webcam. 
    • PLAYWRIGHTS: submit two pieces of writing that showcase your artistic voice. Each writing sample must include a one page synopsis and a twenty page excerpt of your play.
    • MUSICAL COMPOSERS/LYRICISTS: submit two video or audio files of your musical work. In addition, please upload lyric sheets and a brief summary of your musical or provide context regarding your musical compositions. 
    • SET DESIGNERS: submit a design statement and two samples of artistic materials, which can include any or all of the following - ground plans, color sketches, scaled models or painter’s elevations, research materials & preliminary sketches, and/or production photos.
    • LIGHTING DESIGNERS: submit a design statement and two samples of artistic materials, which can include any or all of the following - light plot sketches, dimmer/control schedules, magic sheets, instrument schedules, research materials, preliminary sketches, cue sheets, storyboards, and/or production photos.
    • SOUND DESIGNERS: submit a design statement and two samples of artistic materials, which can include any or all of the following - recordings of cues built/recorded, recordings of music compiled/created, recordings of atmospheric soundscapes used in production, cue sheets, and/or production videos showcasing sound design.
    • PROJECTION DESIGNERS: submit a design statement and two samples of artistic materials, which can include any or all of the following - video of projection sequences, hookup plots or hardware schematics, research materials, production photos and/or videos, digital renderings of theoretical projects, cue sheets, and/or technical drawings.
    • PROPS DESIGNERS: submit a design statement and two samples of artistic materials, which can include any or all of the following - photos of finished prop(s) as used in production, documentation detailing the design and creation process, sketches, and/or research compiled to create the items
    • MAKEUP DESIGNERS: submit a design statement and two samples of artistic materials, which can include any or all of the following - photos of completed makeup application, preliminary sketches of designs, research materials, makeup plots, and/or product lists.
    • DANCERS: submit two short videos that demonstrate your dance ability, showing range in technique and style. Ideally, you’ll tape something special for your application using your smartphone, camera, or a webcam.
    • CHOREOGRAPHERS: submit two video samples that demonstrate your vision as a choreographer showing range in technique and style. Ideally, you’ll tape something special for your application using your smartphone, camera, or a webcam.
    • STAGE MANAGERS: submit a complete list of all the shows you have worked on, outlining your duties and responsibilities for each production. Also upload a work sample that demonstrates the notes you created throughout the rehearsal process as you prepared for a production. Lastly, please submit a stage manager report you have created. 
    • DIRECTORS: should submit a director’s statement and two work samples that demonstrate the variety of your work. It is strongly recommended that you include at least one video (less than two minutes) from a production as a work sample. We understand providing video can be a challenge, but if possible, we encourage you to send some samples showing how your directorial vision is realized on stage. Other acceptable materials are copies of scripts with notes you have created as you prepared for a production and/or a compilation of production photos.
    • TECHNICAL DIRECTORS: submit two work samples including any or all of the following materials - sample pages from production book, examples of the budget, build calendars, notes, and other research, working drawings, and/or pictures of set pieces both showing backstage structure and stage-side
    • ARTS ADMINISTRATORS: submit a sample cover letter, a resume of your theatre involvement, internships, and relevant work experience, along with a brief interview video answering application prompts. 
  • Statement of Need
  • Name/Contact Information of Teachers for Recommendations (two separate teacher recommendations are required).
  • A copy of your Student Aid Report (SAR) from your Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). 
    • To complete your FAFSA if you have not done so already, visit studentaid.gov
  • Information on Universities (up to four) you plan on applying to

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